How to Build Confidence as a First Time People Manager?

Pro Touch
4 min readAug 5, 2020
Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

People Management is defined as a set of practices that encompass the end-to-end processes of talent acquisition, talent optimization, and talent retention while providing continued support for the business and guidance for employees of an organization.

The umbrella of people management, a key sub-set of human resource management, covers all aspects of how people work, behave, engage, and grow at work.

The systems employed to manage people affect the total workings of the organization and thus need to be adhered to as a dynamic individual puzzle without losing sight of the bigger picture.

A micro level insight while playing the macro level field.

Effective people management is a necessary quality for current and aspiring leaders who aim to improve workplace communication and prepare employees for success. Examining the skills that make up people management can help you discover your strengths and identify areas for improvement.

These skills are useful in many workplace situations like handling interpersonal conflicts, leading employee training, managing deadlines and building company culture. People management is a tough job.

Both your superiors and subordinates have huge expectations of you. As much as you should give yourself a pat on the back for this newly acquired managerial position do remember it can sometimes feel like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place and many, often, suffer a lack of self-confidence.

Here’s how first- time managers can build confidence in themselves but also in their teams.

1. Give Yourself Realistic Expectations, Learn to be kind to yourself.

Are you putting unrealistic expectations on yourself? Most of us do and off course we want to give our best however; you don’t want to set yourself up for failure.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Set the bar high but don’t lose sight of reality and adjust your own expectations by way of either changing your timetable for accomplishments, asking for help or giving yourself room to make mistakes. If you never fall you will never learn to rise.

2. Remember that you became a manager on Merit

Always remember that you were chosen over others because your seniors believed that you were the best person for the job and with the most potential. Your position of leadership is not an accident. Accept that you have what it takes to be there, that others believed in you. Go ahead and prove them right.

3. Learn your Strengths and Weaknesses

Developing self-awareness is a key to building confidence. Knowing your leadership strengths and facing up to your developmental needs will help you determine what you need to focus on to improve your skills. Getting feedback and acting on it will help you develop this much needed self-awareness.

Photo by NEXT Academy on Unsplash

Also, leaders who ask for feedback, specially from subordinates, are seen as more confident than those who don’t. You can also go for first time manager training to understand and improve your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

4. Fake it till you Make it and Look Confident

The biggest secret about people who look confident is that they have the ability to fake it till they make it. Appearing confident even if you are feeling terrified inside is a great path to success.

Most times confidence stems from dressing well and having a pleasing physical appearance. So, keep your posture upright, make eye contact, get that new haircut or new shoes, smile and always have a firm handshake.

5. Pick a Role Model and Build your Network

Choose a leader you admire and then study their character and try and imbibe what you observe. You could become more confident just by looking at the qualities that you already share with this person and then work on building the qualities that differentiate you from them.

Photo by Fabio Rodrigues on Unsplash

It is also important to network with other managers as it’s the best way to share common and real-world challenges. It will also remind you that you are not the only one who feels the way you do.

Follow this Reddit thread for First time manager tips from experts

6. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Comfort zones make one complacent and unable to achieve success. Get out of there. Do something new every month if not every fortnight. It could be as simple as stepping up to take newer responsibility or approaching a prominent person, introducing yourself and building a relationship.

7. Listen way more than you speak, especially at first

It is not always possible to agree with everyone, but it is definitely possible to hear them all. Taking diverse opinions will help you to give better decisions and boost your confidence as a first-time manager. It will also go a long way towards earning respect from your team.

Challenge yourself, it will fuel your drive to becoming a better manager. The reality is that confidence is basically a positive state of mind and with the right efforts any manager can build not only their own confidence but also have peers have more confidence in you. There will be times when your confidence is low and in time like that make sure to tap into what made you successful in the past. Good Luck!



Pro Touch

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